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About the opinions against the new crew 2.0 system

Hi people, how are you?

In this post I will explain some things about crew 2.0

Very soon we will have the sandbox in january 2021 and the update in february.

Reading reddit and the official forum, there's a lot of people "angry", "scary", "hating" about this new mechanic.

A few month back, the same people was angry about the "nerf" of HE, based on comentaries, and nothing else. Noneone of the opinators test it in sandbox, just hate WG for the change, and repeats what others says.

In know from where the scary emerges, but I don't share it.

What WG says about:

– They want eliminates the problem of 5 crew members for one tank, and for the next tank in the line 4 members, and for the next tank 6 members, and so on.

– They want eliminates the problem of commander with radiooperator skills, in his principal tank is correct, but en subsecuents tanks or premiums the radioperator skill is useless and we are obligated to loss an skill or reset the commander.

– They want that us use one same crew in up to 3 tanks of the one branch, for example T-34-85, Obj 140 and Obj 430U. And the possibility of have multiples crew with differents skills (or builds) for differents situations, like standars and clan battles.

– They want fix the limit of the crew in 75 lvls, equal to 4 crew members with 5 skills/perks.

– They want offer us by default the sixth sense.

– They want eliminate some useless skills/perks and add other more useful into current mechanics.

Also WG says:

– The conversion will be fair for all, noneone will lose anything.

– They want show us the conversion mechanic in the sandbox. They dont give us much details.

– In battle the crew members (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) still exists, and can be hurt. For example, a loader hurted will increment the time of reload.

Why you are mad?

– You dont like the WoWs system, but crew 2.0 isnt the same system.

– You want some changes and new skills, and its what WG offer you, but you dont want it?

– You believe base in faith that you will lose something, you dont know what, how or when, but you're sure of that.

– In battle will no more members hurts, the tanks will be operated by 1 member, that totally incorrect and based on fail opinions.

– If you have more six skills/perks you will lose it, or if you have full special crew in your best tanks you will lose it and got nothing, again base on faith and fail opinions.

– Reset a crew 2.0 will cost 2000 gold based on WoWs system, even when WG says will cost credits.

All and every one of this complain are been repetead to infinit for you and other with no based or valid arguments. Do you can't wait for the sandbox? Do you can't play it, and then with a formed opinion, do some real and founded critics?


One comment

  • Badger 23.12.2020 in 23:33

    Those people who play the game and put a lot of time into the game since it came on line in 2010.

    We have seen changes some good some TERRIBLE.

    Wargaming has a natural way to shoot itself in the foot. CONSTANTLY

    They make changes that they want but no one else wants part of the reason why their player base is faltering in N/A and in EU. People are walking away from the game to play other stuff.

    DURING A GLOBAL Pandemic.

    They try to fix stuff that doesn’t need fixing.

    1) Rebalance your tanks properly.
    2) get rid of bugs that have been around since 2013 stuff the have known about for years (ie. Ridge line sighting issues)
    3) Clean up Server related issues, start accepting the blame that their rental servers are CRAP and their main computation servers are garbage as well,

    Crews 2.0 will be like taking a shotgun to the foot. BOOM Nothing left.

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