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About the sandbox test

First of all I think the HP, AP damage increase and gold damage decrease are great and especially for player who want to use their armor effectively for HT15. But what I don’t understand about is the fact that they changed the HE and HESH shell on the British tank, HE/HESH shells have no penetration value but when I firing HESH shell on to the 277 turret 1k damage dealt wtf? The same goes with S. Conqueror what’s the meaning of this? Half of the time I scored 70% of the shell average damage. So what’s the point of having 0 penetration and yet still dealing 1k damage to enemy turret.

Furthermore, why bother removing low and high tier tank so you can sell it back for gold in some events like black markets?

What’s make your game special is the sheer amount of tank in the game, the diversity and that is what attract new players. I think this test is a flob


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