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After 10 thousand games of World of Tanks. I think I didn’t improve.

As the title says, I don't think I improved in this game having 10000 games in my account. So firstly I love medium tanks and fast heavies. I play mostly tier 8-10 (I hate lower tiers), and I like to play aggressively and brawl out with other tanks, and the endings are usually me dying way early or winning the fight and get tons of damage. And I personally think that camping is so rewarded than being aggressive. I see in a lot of my games that players in my team especially in tier 10 where in my 430u, advance to an aggressive location and wait for the enemy to come and tier 10 heavies camp in the back and wait for the mid-late game and farm damage they can get resulting in more losses than victories which gets me really frustrated.

I do mistakes from time to time and i'm not going to deny that so I wanna know how can I really improve, and PLEASE don't tell me to look at the minimap because I do that A LOT, but the problem is I don't know what to do in some situations. An example is me on a batchat 25t on a map like ensk. What the hell is a batchat going to do in a small compact map with a tank with no armor and made for assassinations or medium range engagements, I sometimes don't know what to do so it usually ends up in a bad game.

I know where to attack, retreat and defend, but World of Tanks is so much more than attack, defend and retreat.

I wanna know what a really good player thinks. In a perspective of a very good player, what are your mindsets in playing this game, I wanna know how you people think so I can implement in my world of tanks experience and maybe I can have fun in this game. I am a competitive player, I hate losing game after game after game. Please help me if you can.


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