Am I being Punkd? Where’s Kutcher?

I'm not a great player. I'm an average Joe who's struggled to make it within 70 games of 50%

Over the last year my winrate has hovered around 56%

Over the last 2 days I have played 25 games
I have lost 21 of them
Of those games, 5 or more players have either done less than 100 dmg, no dmg, or have not moved from spawn

Im not a superstitious type, but this is ridiculous. I've watched my team blow leads of 7 tanks, 5k hp, and leave cap with 5 seconds left

Of those 21, 18 of them have been in a row. It's like nothing I have ever seen before.

People complain about broken mechanics or tanks
The main issue is the playerbase. Or more precisely, the game's failure to teach basics upon introduction. Too many players with no understanding of a map, armor, shell types, what a cap is or how to hut weak spots or not autoaim. I certainly was that way my first 1k battles. So when it's a player with 50-99k battles I just don't get it, is it a bot?

I know I sound cynical, but it's been too much, and too often. I can tolerate losing, but when it's 18 straight and every single one is in the same fashion and for the same reason….. I've played for 11 years, I think I've just about had it

I'm a bit heated so if this came across a bit too harsh I apologize, just needed to get it out.


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