AMX 13 F3 experience

First of all, I need to clarify that I am not a good player (winrate 46%, 1000 battles, majority tier 6), I’m not even a regular arty player (I usually play lights). The reason that I have AMX 13 f3 in the first place is because I saw one bloke have 1000+ battle in this SPG on reddit. I used that tier 6 token to redeem this tank. I just made this ‘review’ for some sort of self-reflection for my future reference. Also worth to mention that this is the only artillery that I play extensively. I have never touched any other tier 6 arty so don’t expect me to give a fair review against other more popular arty in this tier (fv and m44). As I write this review, I only have 35 battles under this machine. Feel free to criticize.

The gun

When we talk about SPG, the most important component is the gun. AMX 13 f3 carried two flavors of armament, both 155 mm gun. The upgraded gun will allow you to deliver 100 more damage for each shell for extra 5 second reload time. I found myself more comfortable in using the tier 5 gun, but this most likely because I have used it for most hours I handling this machine. I have read that the tier 6 gun have smaller arc than the previous gun, however, I haven’t done any test to prove this claim.

I found myself more reliant on the second HE and the HESH shell than the splash HE. Mainly due to damage potential on the first HE shell are anemic. Although this could be just due to me have a shallow understanding on how important is the stunt mechanic for teamplay.

The engine

Probably the reason I write this review in the first place. Build on the chassis of French light tank, this allow this SPG to travel around the battlefield in a quick succession. This allow you to reposition quickly to find suitable vantage point and create a cross fire on the enemy tank. This also allow you to be relatively close to the frontline and allow you to retreat in case that your flank is broken. You also can utilize your speed to hide into bushes as your flank fall and reduce your heat before pondering on the enemy. 20+ seconds are more than enough to reposition yourself between shots, although if you feel safe, squatting and keep shooting on the same target are probably the better choice.


During the match, I usually went start like this:

Which allow me to find a gap to have a shot on unsuspecting enemy that thought that they are safe from the artillery:

 This may be proven more useful if you have allied arty, in which your team will have more area that are able to be covered by arties and gives your enemy minimal chance to cover from artillery fire. To avoid detection from enemy tanks when you are close with front line, make sure to play with your vision (grey circle on mini map) and use bushes.

For every two seconds, you are only allowed to take 2 shots. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that every shot fired counts. With this in mind, I find myself more likely to shot mediums rather than heavies, especially if they are clumped together as I are able to inflict more damage especially with HEAT shell (Sometimes my HEAT didn’t inflict any damage on heavies, but that probably due to misfire). Although if there are anything worth to fire, feel free to waste your shell on suspicious bushes.

Tactic against arty

Don’t stay on one place obviously, especially if you are light tanks. Once you got your spidey senses tingling, don’t fiddle around anymore (this should be obvious). Find another spot or fake your way out. I have nothing to say for other class though as I didn’t have much experience on them.


I found myself that SPG are fun played as improvised TD. Avoid detection from enemy tanks while positioning yourself so that you are able to deliver your 15 cm shell on your opponent. Although arties are probably more useful to help your teammate's offense rather than defending a choke point like a traditional TD. Remember that SPG are more of a support weapon rather than a breakthrough vehicle (What am I on about).


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