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Artillery vs A Filthy Newb.

I am a relatively new player, been playing for about a month, I'm still learning the game but I feel like I've gotten pretty descent, I have only a 44% win rate but I almost always trade myself for 1 or 2 kills and try to spot/do damage, follow my team mates and I have several 5+ kill streaks under my belt and one 7-for which I was so proud of I took a screenshot of.

But I'm struggling with motivation to play now because of artillery, I didnt notice it so much at the start but I rarely finish a game without losing a large chunk of my health to artillery or dying to it, the last week or so Ive gotten into the 6 to 9 bracket and I've died more to artillery fire then any other source and the last 2 days in particular piloting a new tank Ive died almsot every game to artillery.

I know the general response is 'git good' but so many people I've spoken too are saying the same things and as a new player, its become a real barrier to me sticking around and potentially spending more money on the game.

I had intended to get my small group of gaming friends into the game as well but I cant recommend it to them because I know this will frustrate them as well.

Is this a common problem known to the community?
How does the community feel about artillery in general?
I understand the tactical flexibility and pressure/strategy it can bring to the game and inspire but being constantly tracked, shaken, crew killed or stunned AND having high damage done to me really ruins the eb and flow of the tank style combat I'd wanted from this game.


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