Have a look at this. Look at the make up of the tank mix and also note the totals and averages in terms of games and personal rating.
Tank Games PR Tank Games PR
T10 4314,690 Cobra 38,0079,804
SU-130 21,7515,176 Bourra 54,2597,346
VK45.02A 27,0274,483 Skoda T56 25,4264,703
Cent 7/1 17,8825,798 Char Futur 1,1496,556
Leo PTA 22,1003,830 BZ-176 43,9166,721
Lorr 40t 36,8387,959 Prog 54 36,3144,851
T26e4 15,6615,009 Char Futur39,3998,863
Shrek 41,5557,239 Pantera 68,0286,741
CS-52 LIS 9262,059 T-34-3 35,3255,891
AMX 65t 37,8484,170 M53/M55 20,3755,617
BZ-166 22,3404,570 jag Tiger 43,27010,71
AMBT 41,3885,410 T69 1,9822,719
M53/M55 47,1066,957 Prog 66 60,2474,433
212A 16,5352,907 BC-155 55 24,9593,613
Standard 7,9663,084 Skorp G 86,8865,514
Total 357,3573,341 579,5494,08
Average 23,8244,889 38,6366,272
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/12gmh9f/balanced_matchmaking/