Hate me for the following statement:
"The VK 45.02 A is actually good in Frontline."
I hate it for pubs, and I would feel like I was letting my team down if I showed up in a random battle in a VK 45.02 A.
In Frontline, though (I was waiting until Frontline to grind it), the Frontline mechanics and meta cover for its weak points, and favor its strong points:
Weak points:
-Low Pen: Not as much of an issue vs. all tier 8s, (200mm AP pen), and the gun handling/accuracy lets you pick out weak spots, cupolas, and lower plates a longer Frontline ranges.
-Weak(er) armor: sufficient against many tier 8s, and especially against fastbois when faced frontally. (I am sure that I am benefiting from the many folks also don't know where to shoot me, though, too.)
-Medium-class speed fits larger Frontline maps and "flexing" from position to position well. Frontline (even especially this current iteration) right now has a speedy meta. Sure- you can slam slow brutes into cap circles as the first tank to cap in a match, but if you want to farm hard or not get wolfpacked, you need something faster than a Mauerbrecher in Frontline right now. This is especially true with all of the wheelies, lights, Progettos and Bourrasques swarming over this Frontline season's maps. This thing can hold its own…
-Gun handling is awesome, especially when compared to derpy Soviet heavy guns. You'll be amazed at shots that go where you want them to go at longer ranges.
-Frontline mechanics: So what – you're like a fat medium. You like that? So you're basically a T-54 mod. 1 that's the size of a house. Yeah- but because you're a "heavy", you get to have three Frontline "ability" slots. Cool, right?
Anyway- I'm just posting this as a penance to the VK 45.02 A, because I've said and thought very bad things about it in the past, and now it's shining. So: I'm sorry, VK 45.02 A.
Are there any other "hidden gems" that you have discovered in Frontline that otherwise have a reputation as "bad" in pub games? This has opened my mind a bit, I must say.
Anyhow- I hope that you're enjoying this new iteration of Frontline and discovering some new favorites, too. See you out there! GL;HF!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/fg4pep/call_me_crazy_shifting_meta_and_rules_in/