Can a Arty player please explain your logic in how you play a match??

Firstly lets start at equipment: WHY (SERIOUSLY WHY???) would you put camo net or bino/optics on your arty (I know a hell of a lot of arties has this on because sometime I just wait for my tank in match and I can hear either bino or camo net activate. Both of these are absolute useless equipment since they are only handy if you are in a 1v1 which probably could be avoided if you had better equipment….am I wrong for this???

Secondly: Why would you prioritize kill steal over damage??? So many matches I would be brawling and on the verge of winning before a arty comes in and swoops the kill when the team clearly needs help on another flank??

Thirdly: Why is there so few of you that actually tries to counter the enemy arty??

Fourth: WHY do so few of you ever relocate?? if you cannot hit a target move your dumbass tank to another location to build an angle.

It is really frustrating to all players being shit on by your counter part with you shitting on the back of our heads as well.

Am I missing something?


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