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Can you get chat banned from reports only?

I recently got chat banned twice in a short amount of time. I submitted a ticket for the first one, and got back some generally unoffensive stuff.

In general, I don't cuss at any player because if I get too riled up I won't play well (i hope you weren't expecting some altruistic reason lol). Usually I just say "let's turn this bitch up" or some generic hype line. Other than that, I do get a lot of crap from other players when they act toxicly towards others. Those guys irk me, so usually I tell them to can it and focus on their own game.

The ticket I got back had some of the stuff I said. Some examples include "dude take a chill pill and focus on your own game" as well as the "let's turn this bitch up" stuff. I'm almost positive its from reports, cuz I've been saying "let's turn this bitch up" for 3 years and I never got hit with a chat ban. Only recently did I start telling people off though (cuz some of it is ridiculous) and I think they're hitting me with reports as some sort of revenge.

I'd honestly think I'm paranoid if I wasn't hit with two consecutive chat bans for saying basically no profanity. I'm guessing I was marked for using profanity ("bitch" I guess), but I attracted WGs attention in the first place due to all the revenge reports.

I'll submit another ticket and post what I get back if necessary.


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