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Collector Vehicles are getting rebalanced again – T-62, 113, and AMX 30B need some love.

Hello all,

WG's recently announced changes to some of the lower tier collector's vehicles sets a precedent – they used to ignore rebalancing or fixing or nerfing these vehicles but now there is hope. There are 3 tier 10 collector's machines in the game and all 3 of them have seen better days. How would you wanto to see them buffed? I will outline some of my ideas here.


The 113 actually has a worse hull armour scheme than the 112. In the ancient past the 112 used to have a 80mm lower frontal plate before WG buffed it dramatically to 120 and then 140mm. The 113 only has 120mm. Now, this wont really matter much at tier 10, but it is funny to have the Tier 8 have a better hull so…

Lower Frontal plate: 120 -> 140mm

For some stupid reason, the 112 also has better side armour. Both have 120mm parts of the side armour, but the 112 has parts where the armour is 100mm while the 113 has 90mm. This should be changed. Also – the small bar of spaced armour ought to also be buffed to 30mm. That is the same as on the 112.

Lower side plate: 90 -> 100mm

Side plate spaced armour: 20 -> 30mm

This would bring its armour up to par with a tier 8 premium HT(!!!). But these buffs wont help much at tier 10. Maybe an odd bounce here and there. What else can be done for the 113?

Id suggest buffing the Upper Frontal Plate to 135/140mm. You see, the 113 used to be reasonably well armoured for its speed back in the day. Its armour is well angled and could often reach autobounce angles. In the here and now though, its obsoleted by HEAT and since its such a low to the ground machine – taller tanks easily put AP or APCR through its front. It just isnt very good vs modern threats and is actually overall weaker than the 111 5A and the 277 here (and both are tanks not know for super tough frontal protection). 135 or 140mm would make it a tad better protected but still nothing amazing in the current meta.

Gun handling?

Id honestly just increase standard penetration slightly and help its aim time – bring it up to par with the 111 5A or at least 277.


As it is I do not think we need to make it even faster. It is a decently fast heavy tank.


The 113 and 112 do not share the same crew paramters. On the 113, the Loader is also the radioman. On the 112 the radioman is handled by the commander (as on most other Chinese heavy tanks. I would standartize this and make the 113 be the same as the 111 5A and 112 here.


I am not super knowledgeable on this vehicle – I have it but I dont really play it. What I do know for sure is that its standard penetration needs to go up. 264 APCR pen seems reasonable to me. For the rest – I am sure other players would have excellent suggestions here for this French beauty.


*Though I would keep the 65kp/h top speed.


This legendary vehicle is now basically almost completely obsoleted by the 140 and 121B. One way to make it not suck is IMHO to give it the real 115mm U-5TS cannon. So what if it is a smoothbore? This is not a problem since the early rounds for it were around 270-2800mm of APCR pen. Now that is high, it will be almost like the Leopard 1 here, but it isnt THAT high. It wont break the game. Not at all. We do not need to use 1970s or 1980s rounds here. The early 1960s stuff is what the game can handle.

And the cannon ought to be an upgrade. Something the player grinds for. Reasoning? This way we can have both the real life T-62A with the 100mm gun and the real life initial T-62 with the 115mm gun as one vehicle! Everyone wins. As for other stats? Well 275ish APCR pen, 420 damage per shot. This way neither the 430U gets impacted nor does the K-91, Leopard 1 (playstyle differences), 140, or 121.


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