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Does the ShPTK TVP make the Kampfpanzer 07 RH obsolete?

Kpz vs TVP

Alpha: 200/200/320 vs 250/250/420

DPM: 2400/2400/3840 vs 2778/2778/4667

Pen: 205/255/90 vs 270/330/100

Aim time: 1.5 vs 1.3

Accuracy: 0.35 vs 0.30

Dispersion: 0.14/0.14/0.1 vs 0.14/0.14/0.08

Gun depression: 9 vs 6

Top speed: 65 vs 55

P/W: 23.3 vs 21.8

TR: 0.5/0.7/2.2 vs 1/1.35/1.95

Health: 1350 vs 1150

Armor: Less shit vs shit

Stationary camo: 14.4 vs 16.1

Moving camo: 10.8 vs 9.6

View range: 390 vs 370

Overall the Kpz gets a bit of gun depression, mobility, health and view range compared to the a huge loss in penetration, damage and gun handling. To me the TVP is just much much stronger.


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