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Fully aimed shots go everywhere except for the tanks I’m aiming at. Am I crazy, noob, or does this happen to everyone?

[ TL;DR at the end]

I've been playing the game for more than 1 1/2 years now, over 7700 battles .

My map/tank knowledge is getting better and better with each passing day, so is my positioning/ good use of game mechanics.

I've come a long way in the last 4000 battles or so. I'm not an unicum, but I'm not THAT bad at the game, either.

I know my way around equipment, and I like to try different builds to see if I can improve the tank I'm playing.

I have a good lineup of tanks (tier 8 and 9) I very much enjoy playing, but… sometimes I feel like the game is just having a "laugh" at my expense.

Example : I love playing the Skorpion. Its gun is powerful and it has the mobility to act like a MT from time to time, if necessary . I have a good crew on it ( 5 skill crew with BIA) so I consider this an advantage over a ( let's say) player buying a Skorpion with 100% crew .

The gun is also accurate…Or so I like to think sometimes:

My shells fly all over the place most of the times. I rarely have games with over 80% hit percentage, even if I almost never snapshot with it, 99% of the shots I take are fully aimed.

In some battles the game "allows" me to hit 10-11 out of 12 shots. In other battles I can fire from a good position, fully aimed, 3-4-5-6-fucking-infinite times in a row and all shells either hit the ground, kiss the sky, or go left/right like they're following magnets.

Example 2: Last night I took the Lorr 40t for a spin after it spent more than 6 months gathering dust in the garage. I love autoloaders, mind you.

I have good crew ( 5 skill crew with BIA ), proper equipment for improving the gun accuracy ( vent, GLD and upgraded Bounty Aiming).

And yet… After one battle, I feel like never playing that tank again. Out of 4 shells per clip, I was lucky to have at least one of them hit the target ( 3 clips at 1 hit per clip. Because the other 5 clips hit jack shit- that's more than 20 shells ffs).

I see many other players in the Lorr hitting at least 2/4 out of every clip, if not all of them.

And these two examples are just the top layer, I have many many many more battles where I ask myself " what am I doing wrong? What can I do to improve?"

TL;DR: Good tanks, good crews, I know my way around the game. I have patience, I fully aim. But most of the shots fly EVERYWHERE except for the tank I'm aiming at.

What am I doing wrong? What can I do?


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