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How to make Ranked 2020/21 more enjoyable (A players concept)


I think I have a solution: In the next ranked saison there should be a limit of maximum battles you can play with one tank. Let´s say 15. After these 15 battles, the tank has a cooldown for 3 days . When the 3 days are over, the tank will be available for 5-10 battles again. Then the tank is permanently blocked (in the division / league). But those "cooldowns" for tanks only count in one division. The cooldown is reset when reaching a new division (or league, for Ranked 2020/21). Meaning that you cant spam tanks anymore that efficently. It is not a good idea to remove or eject the reward tanks from Ranked.

I also would change the chevron system, because even though you fought in a push or only dealt 1K dmg, but blocked 4 K and you win, you only get 1 chevron or nothing. Same situation in a lose.

My idea would be the following, to make ranked more rewarding if you lead a push/have less dmg coz you dont have a chief etc..:

Winning Team: 3-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-0-0-0 Chevrons

Loosing Team: 2-1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0–1–1–1–1–1 Chevrons

Thus the progression would be much easier.

Id also change the "role-experience":

Heavies: Put much more weight on bounce-dmg and damage dealt in close combat

Also, heavies should be divided into:

Brawler:bounce, close combat, damage on various tanks (chief, 279, sc, 60tp)

Flanker: less bounce, high damage on one tank (50B, t57)

Medium-hts: mediocre bounce, high damage on various tanks (260, 277)

The role experiene should be variable. If you manage to bounce a lot in your 50B, you should get the brawler experience (as an example).

Mediums: differ between flanker (140, 30B), sniper (prog, leo, m60, m48), brawler (430U) and scout (bc) mediums

The role experience for mediums should be variable.. if you manage to bounce a lot of shots in your M48, you should get the brawler-role-experiene (for example).

Lights: Wheelies should get more exp for active spotting (spot dmg while driving more than 70 kph) than by sitting in a bush. The other lights get their role exp for passive spotting (less then 40 kph).

Artys and TDs are fine in my opinion.. also, noone plays them in Ranked..


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