I've decided that it's time to grind a new branch..
I thought about T110E3 but I already have 60TP and almost never play it
I thought about B-C 25t, I will grind it eventually but it's extremely painful without any kind of crew for lights + I don't have many french blueprints left
I will finish italian tech tree but Progetto is getting nerfed anyway..
And so I realized that I have both fine crew and ability to research chinese IX light tank, unlock the gun for 60k and blueprint tier X
How's it doing now? I know wheelies are best and shit, but is this tank enjoyable? I would say my playstyle is 70% medium tanks, 20% heavy/TD and then the 10% or even less, very occasionally, I play light tanks. I know WZ is the most medium tank-like out of all light tanks
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/hc0gpo/hows_wz1311_holding_up_in_2020/