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I came back to see how the game plays after a few years

MM is still broken. Imagine having to play T-34 vs IS-2 LMAO

The grind is still horrible.

It is so fun to play stock tanks in uptiers. Great design.

The following comes from playing on tier 10.

Armor is completely unbalanced. You either get always penned in the hull because everyone abuses the fuck out of premium rounds or you're never penned because you're camping hull-down. Games are incredibly dull, they're all about camping in brain dead positions. No skill required, just hiding behind a pile of rubble, pressing '2', turning off your keyboard to save energy (you don't need WASD) and clicking on enemy tanks' hulls or just looking at their turrets since you're not gonna pen them anyway if they're also hull-down.

I used to think wot had better map design than wt. After experiencing an equal amount of camping on town maps in wot as in open maps in wt, I retract my views.

Balistics are still fucked. Angling isn't nearly as effective as it should be. I've just been penned by a lowe in the incredibly angled side of my is-7. WT shows that at this angle, this spot has an effective armor of 630 mm. lmao

Premium rounds could be fixed by giving them normal prices but decreasing their dmg. Unfortunately, good ideas are foreign to wg.

What's absolutely pathetic is how unfair this game has become. On my account, I can't afford to use prem rounds on tier 10. But on my friend's account, I can play is-7 with full gold, reserves, prem account, and actually earn credits from those battles LMAO

Accuracy is still dogshit. Players are not rewarded for good reactivity and actual accuracy, since there is no accuracy in this game to begin with. Aiming system in this game caters to people with a 2-second reaction time. In a game like WT, they would get shit on. Here, their superior enemies are forced to wait an eternity to even have a shot at hitting them. And whether you hit depends on RNG.

Damage is still incredibly random. Just like penetration. Randomness is inherently bad, it makes the game anti-skill. It often punishes good plays and rewards the bad ones.

Now, before someone with a subpar intelligence tells me to 'gitgut' for unknown reasons – I have ~3400 dpm on tier 10 (on old maps). I've already increased my friend's dpm on is-7 from 1500 to 1900 in few matches.


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