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I have 21% win rate over the last 150 matches. What am i doing wrong?

Huge rant incoming.

I started the game in october last year with a friend who has played it for more then 8 years. He taught me the basics and because i got hooked to the game i watched a lot of youtube videos and twitch streams to get better.

I managed to get to 53% winrate in my first 3000 games, most of then i played solo as my friend doesnt have that much time to play.

Ever since the battle pass came out i can not for the sake of it get any kind of winning streak. I like to play light tanks, mediums and td's.

For example i got the Skorpion from the bundle and wanted to finish some TD missions. I played 13 matches with an average damage of 2200 and won ONE single game. im still learning some td spots, on city maps i struggle but i cant possibly be that bad.

For light tanks i have the ebr 90 for aggressive scouting and elc even 90 for more passive scouting. whenever i spot someone nobody in my team seems to care, when i get lit im dead in 1 second unless they bounce some shots on ebr.

I started watching through my teammates winrates and i noticed that they range from 42% to 54%. Usually there are at least 8 teammates who are below 46% winrate in my team while the enemy team seems to be much more balanced.

I kept track of my last 50 games by pure hp difference. In just 4 minutes my team manages to lose by 5k or more hp in 60% of the time.

I cannot possibly be that bad. Also it feels like 80% of my matches in my tier 8 premium vehicles are t10 matches where i basically have 0 impact. today i popped a 50% credit booster and started farming. i managed to play 13 games in those 60 minutes. 0 of those games had a t7 tank or lower in it. 2 of these games were full t8 matches. 3 were t8+t9, the other 8 were t10 matches.

What am i supposed to do? I won 2 out of those 13 matches.


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