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I have got an idea that would be amazing addition to the game. Please read and give feedback.

I think that we all had tech tree tanks that we really loved, but since you grinded it out and need to keep going the line and retrain the crew for the next tank in line, you have to sell that tank because, well, who can play a tank without at least 1 skill 100% crew.

I have an idea how to stop that from happening. We should be able to make any tech-tree tier I-IX tank a "premium" tank in exchange for some currency.

Now, that tank would not be like a regular premium tank. It would not earn credits like a premium tank and it would not grind the crew AT ALL.

Now it sounds stupid but if it could grind the crew then the sale of premium tanks would drop and WG would not like that so I am keeping this as realistic as I can.

That tank would be exactly the same like it was before it turned "premium", EXCEPT it could use any crew that is of the same type of vehicle and nation (just like premium and reward vehicles currently).

Regarding the currency we would have to pay, I have got an idea for that. Make it cost X amount of elite XP we earned on that tank. So basically, once you elite that tank you can grind the crew on it OR you can grind the elite XP and make the tank "premium" so it can use another crew. I have thought that maybe it would cost (10k elite XP * the tier of the tank).

I am sure this would be a good addition to the game and people would play more because they could play the tanks they like without having to grind a new crew. I am sure it would make people spend more credits which might lead to increase of premium days/tanks bought. Personally, I would instantly buy at least 5 tanks that I loved but I sold it because it was hard to play without 100% crew and sixth sense and I had to move forward in tech tree.

I hope this is at least realistic idea and that someone from WG team reads it.

I would love to hear some feedback and questions on this.


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