So I've been playing for 3/4 days after a 2 year break and I have to admit, I've never been so disappointed with the progress of a game.
Correct me if I'm wrong here but I've noticed the following:
1) The new maps seem actually pretty bland / boring.
2) Matchmaking is heavily one sided 90% of the time – how is there not a hidden skill based balancing yet? I'm looking at XMF and more often than not it's a completely one sided domination.
3) Tank balancing seems to be entirely forgotten. Some tanks are just fodder while others are just completely broken by comparison. And there's always 1-2 broken tanks per tier that always decide the balance of a battle.
Surely this can't be healthy for the game – I want to introduce 3-4 of my friends to the game but im having serious second thoughts. I don't want them to grind up through the tiers just to be greeted by this monotonous gameplay.
Reddit, am I missing something, does it get any better?