I’m done

Okay, so a number of weeks ago, I posted on here how unpleasant a time I was having being a new player, and struggling through T1-T4 games…

I've tried my best, but I'm just not enjoying playing this game. At all. I have the occasional good battle, but it's not worth all the games in which my teams just… throw themselves away.

I've worked my way to T6, but I just have no desire to play anymore. I know I'm more than capable of grinding to T10, but I just… don't want to.

It's sad, because this game has/had a lot of potential, but potential isn't enough to keep people. And I thought I'd stick it out until T6 to see if things change. They haven't. I did some of the Topography "tutorials", but as tutorials go, these are abysmal.

There's just too much camping/sniping, and this is not enjoyable. Sealclubbers are just a toxic element on top of it all, and when trying to go from T3-T5, it just wipes the fun out of everything.

I've tried playing Light tanks. Just get destroyed within the first 2 minutes TRYING TO SEE A GODDAMNED THING.

I've tried playing Medium tanks – but it seems they just explode when TD's so much as look at them. The amount of times I've been ammoracked, set on fire, or one-shotted is not even funny. But by far the most infuriating thing is always being tracked, or losing an engine… sometimes both at the same time. It's absurd that permatracking is even a thing at all.

I've tried playing TD's, and that was my first T5, the Stug III. Camping/sniping is not a fun playstyle, in my opinion, and I must have played 20+ games where there's no action for at least 6 minutes due to everyone hiding behind rocks and bushes, waiting for something to happen. If you like that playstyle, great. I don't.

Even tried some Artillery games. Kind of neat, but infuriatingly inaccurate. Aiming circle narrows right down – I fire – shells miss. Not unusual for me to have a T4 Arty game, where I deal around 400 damage tops. Maybe things would be different with bigger, better guns, and 100% multiskilled crews.

Anyhow, I'm out. I've uninstalled the game, and I'm not likely to come back. I admit, I did spend a bit of real money on some gold… just to have some neat camo designs, but beyond that, I'm glad I didn't spend more on this game.

This has been a thoroughly unhappy gaming experience, and I'm glad to be gone. I have better things to do than play, only to lose games. I think my winrate was 51.36% after about 1,000 games. That might be better than 45% or whatever, but I'm just not enjoying myself here, so it's time to go.

Oh, and for those of you who say I'll get better with time and more games – yes, you're probably right, but the motivation is completely gone. It's sad, because I even made a carefully typed up list of all the historical tanks I wanted to play, their equipment, crewskills… etc etc. But seeing what "gameplay" consists of, and the TOTAL AND COMPLETE LACK OF TEAMWORK, considering this is a TEAM GAME, make the gaming experience exceedingly unpleasant.

I would rate this game around a 4/10. Lovely visuals, but beyond that – frustrating, confusing, unfair, but without doubt, not fun in the slightest.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/y6d3ws/im_done/

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