Is everyone poor? That’s why the auction is flopping.

At the beginning of the year after Christmas loot boxes I feel like everyone had a shit load of gold, credits, free exp. And during events like the first auction and the scam caravan people were spending tens of thousands gold, and tens of millions of credits, to buy reskinned tier 10s. People were crazy enough to pay 15 million I think for the kirovets. Then the free exp shit started with the 268/5 and then recently the obj 780.

I think we've gotten to a point now where everyone is empty. In terms of credits everyone I know barely has a few mil, from the Christmas gold there isn't much left and free exp is not as abundant as it used to be.

I think that's why this auction is flopping. Let's be honest if the tier 9 Chinese TD was in the auction after Christmas it would have sold out for like 20k and the peregrine would've sold for 200k plus. I don't think the Gonsalo is gonna go for much more than 10k either.

But let me know if I'm wrong and you're all sitting on hoards of resources.


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