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It is absolutely disgusting that they put the T-832 behind both a paywall AND a grindwall.

I really want this tank. I know that it's not a "competitive" tank by any means, and I do not care – I want it for the looks and theme. I am willing to spend the gold for it, I have more than enough left.

However, what I don't have is the time needed to get it.

I am a student and soon is my exam period, so I have no time to play the game for 4 god damn hours every day. I also just don't want to! – I have better stuff to do than playing this game for so long. It gets really boring after a while. This is tedious as hell.

Calculation: Each level needs 50 of these points and you need 50 levels to get the tank, so 2500 points total. If you get 5 points per game on average (and this is generous), it would still take you 500 games to get the tank. You still have to play good to get points, and some games take longer than others. If each game takes a minimum of 5 minutes on average (including loading and countdown), that would still be 2500 minutes total – roughly 42 hours (remember we're being generous. It's more). We got 14 days for this, which comes down to an absolute minimum of 3 hours per day IF you play every single day, consistently good.

They're already making us pay the equivalent of 35 bucks and then it still needs so much time to get the tank? The f***! Can't WG be friendly even remotely humane just one time? They can't, I know.



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