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Jagdpanther II: A semi-hidden gem

Recently, I've tried to build up a good frontline lineup for whenever it comes out next. Since I already researched the tier 6 german light tank, I decided to push towards the tier 8 lt, knowing that I could buy the Jagdpanther 2 after researching it.

Due to the recent tech tree changes, the Jagdpanther 2 was deemed unnecessary and removed from the german tech tree. This makes it a lot easier to obtain, as grinding any line up to tier 8 can grant you the ability to purchase this tank.

When fully stock, the tank is pretty bad. An 88 millimeter gun just doesn't cut it at tier 8. Even after you soend around 17k xp to research the 105mm gun, the pen and alpha are still inadequate for a tier 8 td. In addition, in order to mount equipement and the top gun, the suspension needs to be researched. However, the engine and radio are not vital, so they can be researched last. I would recommend this upgrade path: gun, tracks, top gun, engine, radio.

When fully upgraded, the tank is a mixture of the skorpion and ferdinand. While the skorpion ahs the flexibility of a turret and good mobility, its armor is negligible at best. Conversely, the ferdinand has a faster rate of fire than the skorpion and better armor, but is much slower and has many weakspots. The Jagdpanther 2 combines armor, firepower, and mobility into a package that poses a threat to any tank that it can face.

Firepower: Armed with a 128mm gun with 490 alpha and 246mm of pen, this gun packs a punch. Although the gun is high-alpha, it doesn't sacrifice dpm. 2.5k base dpm is higher than the skorpion and can be boosted over 3k without premium consumables or improved equipment. The aim time is decent, and accuracy is pinpoint, allowing easy use of the high alpha to deal whopping amounts of damage. 6.5 degrees of gin depression is not ideal, but definitely workable.

Mobility: The Jagdpanther 2 has a meaty 700 horsepower engine, which helps counteract the 53 ton weight of the tank. The traverse speed of the tank is great, allowing you to contest lights who may want to circle you. In addition, the 55 kmh top speed allows the tank to get into position quickly, getting in early damage with its gun. The relatively high weight and speed allow the tank to ram enemy medium and light tanks with ravaging efficiency.

Armor: No tank can have armor, mobility, and firepower, but the jagd 2 comes pretty close. The armor on the superstructure is 150mm thick, angled back at a pretty extreme angle. When faced head-on, its effective armor is about 250mm. The hull is extremely weak. 100mm of armor angled at a weak angle only provides 140mm effective, which is only enough to stop tier 6 tanks and protect the tank from HE shells. However, when using the 6.5 degrees of gun depression to hide the hull, the tank can be a serious threat to all tanks it faces. when angled using the gun depression, the superstructure armor becomes 290mm effective, enough to stop most tier 10 guns except for TDs.

Miscellaneous: The tank's view range is 350m. This is pretty low, so using binos is a must. With binos and a 100 percent crew, you can easily reach around 445 meters view range, which is sufficient. The camo on this large tank is bad, so I would not recommend using a camo net. Instead, use vents to boost all aspects of the tank. The ideal equipment setup would be Rammer, Vents, and Binos.

You can always afford to be semi-aggressive in this tank. If top tier or in a tier 9 match, tank early positions and get shots into tanks as they come towards you. If bottom tier, you can wolfpack with mediums or snipe to support your team. This tank is versatile enough to perform well in all matches and maps.

In conclusion, the Jagd 2 is a great tank, and I recommend everyone to give it a shot. Even though it is easy to research, when fully upgraded, the tank becomes a beast that poses a threat to almost every tank that it can face. Thanks for reading, and good luck!


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