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Just did a session of grinding credits for the first time since the last update and I noticed something.

First session of grinding credits after the last patch, and I've noticed that the credit income of premiums has been messed up, example, before the last patch I would play my lowe, do 3500 dmg and like 2 kills, with prem time and booster that would make me 125k credits easy not firing gold, I just did 3500 and 1 kill in my Lowe again and with prem time and booster and I made 85k… I tested this out in other tanks as well, in my t77 usually a good 3-4k dmg game would make me about 120-150k credits, well now it makes me 90k… Before if I did just 2500 in my patriot with a few kills it was 100k, now 2500 and a few kills is barely 75k… that's just 3 examples, I've tried like 10 different tanks with similar results. And im not the only one who has noticed this (NA region BTW so might not have happened on other servers) I remember a bit ago someone made a post saying something was wrong as well, and I dismissed it as they just weren't doing well enough to make credits, said they were using the centurion as there credit tank or something like that. But it seems they were right, I also asked my clan in discord and immediately I had at least clan mate say they have noticed the same thing. My clan mate thinks it could have been something to do with when frontline was put back in, but I don't know.

I'm not saying WG changed the credit income PURPOSLY, but something seems to have been bugged or changed or whatever. I know for a fact its not my playing cus like I said, similar results in multiple different tanks, plus I've compared to results before the update. and I'm not the only one whos noticed.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Okay I get it odds are something didnt happen, it just seems a little sus especially since im not the only one noticing.


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