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Almost all of us could agree that removal of HE penetration isn´t the way to go. These are my ideas on how to fix our current problems:

  1. Premium ammunition spamming: I think that the correct solution to this problem is to lower the alpha damage of those rounds by 10-20% (the exact number would be determined by further testing), this change should encourage people to try using standard rounds as much as possible.
  2. HE spamming: I think that the solution to this one isn´t to remove penetration of HE rounds but to change how the damage is calculated when the round doesn´t penetrate for example when you fire at T110 E3 whit HE you can now just auto-aim on it and do damage reliably which is wrong. You should do little to no damage like that and instead aim for commander cupola to splash the roof and do maximal damage.
  3. Arty: This one is the most controversial but my opinion is that arty should have to game styles, one with a smaller gun, fast reload, low damage should be used to counter arty, blind fire tank destroyers, track and stun heavies and mediums and should rely on the team to do the damage. And the second one with big guns, long reload and high damage potential


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