The upcoming patch 1.20.1 is bringing a lot of changes to this game. Most of them are acceptable and as earlier announcwd, but there are some major flaws with the new crew system and WoT Plus.
Here are my two cents that I hope will reach the supervisors in Cyprus.
WoT Plus
Implenting a second premium subscription like WoT Plus is on par other major games in 2022 and 2023 and is acceptable.
The pricing and most of the benefits of Wot Plus are completly fine. Though the free dismounting of bond equipment is terrible!
At first glance it might seem like a good change, but in reality it renders all other equipment, including bounty equipment completly useless. Even having more than 1 or maximum 2 sets of bond equipments is obsolete.
This change can not go through. It is extremly gamebreaking and renders hundreds of hours of grinding and tens of thousands of gold for bounty and bond gear completly useless. If this goes through like it is on the common test, it will go down in the history books as one of the worst changes any game have ever done!
At the minimum change the free dismounting to half price for bond equipment (100 instead of 200 bonds) or limit it to 10 or 20 free dismounts per month.
New Crew System
The new crew system has a lot of good changes, but the following needs to be adressed:
The 9 Perks are fine for crew members who got a single role. Crew members who cover 2-4 roles are not considered at all in the new system. My suggestion is adding 3 free perks for each extra role a crew member covers.
A complete reworking of the crew system requires a full reset of skills and perks for every crew member. Players will spend enough gold and silver retraining crew members after mispicking skills. Not allowing players to choose skills freely after a complete rework of the skill system is just petty.
I sincerley hope this will be adressed and changed.