Edit 1: The title should be: Obj. 279(e) Mission Guide, After patch 1.14
Hello, I want to share my experience about how I completed 279 (e) (the latest one was 2 years ago before 1.14) mission with you guys who are struggling right now doing the mission, I will try to explain as clear as possible, remember this is just my opinion. I am playing on HK and ANZ server (APAC), my recent WN8 is 2.3k, the whole mission was done in approximately 6 months (from end of the thunderstorms clan war until end of November). Before you begin the 279 (e) mission, you need to do:
EXCALIBUR, Excalibur missions can be done with tier 6 tanks and above
Bloc 15, Union 15, Alliance 15 and Coalition 15 with honors (Mandatory, as this will make your progress easier later, if you had done the 4 missions with honors, you now have 4 orders)
CHIMERA, Chimera missions can be done with tier 7 tanks and above, I will highlight some of the hardest mission on Chimera's campaign
Union 8, damage or destroy internal modules / crew, totaling 5 modules or crew
I can't really remember how I did this mission, my suggestion is Obj. 261 with second HE, LT-432, LTTB, IS-3A, use a fast firing tanks, take deadeye perk, always aim enemy cupola or weakspots and paper tanks (Most American tanks fuel are vulnerable from the sides, here is the location, most German tanks engine is in the front lower plate like Lowe, E100, WT auf, Skorpion, some USSR tanks can get on fire pretty easy like LT-432 and Obj. 140)
Union 15, cause, receive, and block a total of 10.000HP of damage — cause 20% of the total amount of damage caused by your team, win the battle
My suggestion for this mission is using HT, KV-4 (one of the best tank for blocking missions), IS-4, Obj. 277, WZ 111 5A, Obj. 257, brawl smart, don't get too close to enemy that are firing premium shells, do not go alone, always use your teammate to go in first xD, play on server with the lowest IQ playerbase
Bloc 2,damage or destroy enemy internal modules or crew members, totaling at least 5 modules or crew members, cause 2k damage
this is the same with union 8 above, the difference is you have a decent TD, like Skorp, WT Auf, Grille, Jageroo
Bloc 8, set an enemy vehicle of the same tier or higher on fire
This one is pure RNG, aim for American tanks, LT-432, Obj. 140
Bloc 15, cause a total of 3.5k hp damage to enemy tank destroyer or heavy tank — cause damage 6 different enemy, win the game
Super easy, pick any tier X tank you like, HT with great mobility or Meds, I picked E50 for this
Alliance 15,cause 6.5k damage — destroy 5 enemy , win the game
pick S. Conq / T57 Heavy / E5 / Patton, I do not recommend to pick FV4005, the tank is not consistent and you need luck, check your stats and look for tier X tank with the highest average damage, I did this without honor because I was struggling to get the kills
Coalition 15,Damage cause including your assistance must total 8k hp — enable your allies to destroy 3 enemy vehicles by spotting or destroying their tracks, win the battle
Done this with EBR 105, any french LT will work, EBR 105, ELC, AMX, if you have premium account, block Minsk and Berlin, you can actually spot on Paris, (stay and pray in the bush on mid and hope for the best) play safe because you can carry late game easier
Congrats, now you have 8 Orders (or 7 if you play like me haha), these order is used for skipping mission that are very difficult to do later
Now, the main course, before I begin, I will rate the difficulty for each factions (at this point I got 7 Orders to skip missions)
OBJECT 279 (e), 279e missions can be done with tier 8 and above
Union: Medium
Block: Hard
Alliance: Easy
Coalition: Medium
I am not yet finished with Bloc faction, therefore I will not explain it, sorry about this, I will try to update this if I finished the bloc faction
Union 1, enable your allies to cause an average of 2k damage to enemy per battle by spotting or tracking themComplete this mission in 5 battles
I did this mission with T-100-LT, I recommend this tank because it is easier to get more assist number in tier X, LT-432 is also a great option, block Berlin and Minsk, always reset the mission until you get a decent assist (6k or 5k above) damage at the first game and you are good to go
Union 2, cause damage 2 times more than the hit points of your vehicleComplete this mission3 times in a row
You got 261 bruddah ? time to shine, super easy if you have Obj. 261 or USSR Arty, this one is doable with any tanks, as long as you can perform, brawl smart, use your teammate as your meat shield, stay alive until the end of the game. Maps to block if you use spg: BERLIN and MINSK
Union 3, destroy 15 tanksComplete this mission in 10 battles
Did this in my LT-432, pick a fast firing tanks with great mobility, LT-432, LTTB, Obj. 140, IS-3A, I don't really recommend IS-3A because of its mobility, play super safe, punish enemy with low HP, if you are using tanks with bad mobility, use hardening as it can help you survive longer when kill stealing
Union 4, block an average 8 enemy hitsComplete this mission in 5 battles
KV4, Obj. 257 is king here, I don't recommend tier X tanks because everyone is spamming gold on tier X, did this in my beloved KV-4, if you are facing lower tier, you can go in the open and keep your distance and always angle your tank, everything will bounce, trust me, again reset the mission until you get decent block (14 hits and above) on the first try
Union 5, top 3 damage in battleComplete this mission in 3 battles in a row
In the battle means including your enemy team, this one is a git gud mission, pick any tanks that you like the most, I did this with WZ 111 5A, HT and MT is probably the best for this missions
Union 6, top player on your team by number of vehicles destroyed, or earn more experience than ally who destroyed the same numberComplete this mission3 timesout of 7 battles
Nothing to say here just look at Union 3, always reset the mission until you got it at the first game
Union 7, destroy internal modules or crew at least 3Complete this mission3 timesin a row
I got lucky with this mission, I did it with Obj. 261, suitable tanks are fast firing tanks, auto loader, aim the weakspot and don't forget about the deadeye perk, I wish you the best for this mission, as this mission will completely break your mind
Union 8, earn fire for effect awardComplete this mission7 timesout of 10 battles
fire for effect means you need to deal damage more than your HP, another easy mission, did this in my 140, just use low hp tanks, 140, lt432, t62a, I recommend medium tanks and LT because TD and SPG are less consistent in doing damage, HT is a bit hard for me haha
Union 9, destroy 3 enemy vehiclesComplete this mission2 timesin a row
this is the same with Union 3 😀
Union 10, block 15k damagecomplete this mission in 10 battles
Did this in my 257, same concept with union 4, always reset until you got a decent block on the first game (5k above)
Union 11,cause an average of 8 armor pen hitsComplete this mission in 10 Battles
Did this in my LT-432, any tanks will do, my recommendation is again, fast firing tanks and don't forget to use premium ammo, always reset the mission until you get decent amount of pen (12 pen above) on the first game
Union 12, enable your allies to destroy 7 enemies by spotting them or tracking themComplete this mission in 10 games
T-100-LT and LT-432 is your best friend, reset until you get a decent result (3 kill assist or above) on the first game
Union 13, earn top gun awardComplete this mission2 timesout of 12 games
This one is on par with union 7, you need to kill 6 enemies, very hard to get, I ended up skipping it
Union 14,stun enemy 80 timesComplete this mission in 10 battles
Use 261, the best arty on USSR line, very fast reload time compared to other USSR arty
Union 15, get mastery badge class 1 or higher Complete this mission3 timesout of 20 battles
choose any tank that you are comfortable with, see your stats, I did this using T-44, reset until you get it on the first game
If you are doing the mission the exact same way with how I did, you now have 6 Orders
I did not do any Bloc mission, it was way too hard, so I ended up using 3 Orders to immediately skip Bloc 15, Orders left = 3
Alliance 1,getfire for effect awardcomplete this mission5 timesout of 10 battles
ez pz mission, do damage more than your tank HP, sadly I cant remember which tank do I use, S. Conq, Patton, Centurion, Patriot, SPGs is also good for this, just don't use hardening on your tank
Alliance 2,be the top 3 players on your team by damage causedComplete this mission in 3 battles in a row
Did this in my S. Conqueror, pick high DPM tanks like S.Conq, T57, E5, Patton, Tortoise, Badger
Alliance 3,enable allies to destroy an average 2 tanks by spotting or trackingComplete this mission in 10 battles
Any british LT can do this mission, I did mine with Manticore. LHMTV, GSOR is also possible, reset until you get a decent number of kill assist on the first battle (5 or 6 kill assist)
Alliance 4,cause 30k hp damageComplete this mission in 10 Battles
pick high dpm tier X tanks, S.Conq, E5, T57, Patton, Tortoise, Badger, I did this with S.Conq, reset until you get decent damage on the first game (6k above)
Alliance 5,stun 40 different enemy tankComplete this mission in 10 Battles
FV3805 with stock gun, use food, rammer, vents, very easy mission, reset until you got decent result (8 tanks stunned)
Alliance 6, earn confederate medalComplete this mission 2 times out of 7 battles
confederate means you need to do damage or criticals, to as many enemy tanks as possible (at least 6 tanks), do not kill them if you can. Use FV3805 with stock gun 🙂
Alliance 7,average damage block 2kComplete this mission in 10 battles
This means you need to block 20.000 damage in 10 battles, or 2.000 blocked damage per game, did mine using E3. Badger and Tortoise is also a perfect tanks for this mission, remember to keep your distance, E3 is impenetrable when the lower plate is hidden, Badger is impenetrable when hull down (it is easy to pen badger when it is not in hull down position, especially with 330 HEAT pen)
Alliance 8,damage internal modules or crew members, totaling 25 internal modulesComplete this mission in 10 Battles
Everyone's nemesis, I skipped this, same with Union, fast firing tanks with deadeye perk are the best choice for this (S.Conq), I tried Charioteer, FV 4005, T49, didn't work, even if your HESH pens the enemies
Alliance 9,stun enemies 1.300 secs in totalComplete this mission in 10 Battles
not much I can say about this, FV3805 with stock gun, reset until you get a decent result on the first game (200 sec above)
Alliance 10,cause 2 times more damage than the hp of your tankComplete this mission4 timesout of 7 battles
FV3805 stock gun :D, any tanks is possible, reset until you get it on the first game
Alliance 11,enable your allies to cause 1k damage to enemy stunned by youComplete this mission 4 times out of 10 battles
FV3805 stock gun, reset until you get it on the first game
Alliance 12,be the top player in battle by damage blockedComplete this mission3 timesout of 7 battles
Did this with E3. Badger and tortoise is good too. Reset until you get it on the first game
Alliance 13,be among top 3 players in battle by experience earnedComplete this in 3 battles in a row
You just need to perform, pick your best tank, mine was S.Conq
Alliance 14,cause damage to 30 different enemy tanksComplete this mission in 7 Battles
FV3805 stock gun, reset until you get a decent result on the first game (8 tanks)
Alliance 15, get mastery badge class 1 or higher Complete this mission3 timesout of 20 battles
choose any tank that you are comfortable with, see your stats, I did this using Patriot, reset until you get it on the first game
You now have 2 Orders left
Coalition tanks are famous for their hard to play tanks, but get very rewarding if you understands how to use it, as the majority of them are autoloader and doesn't have any armor, play smart and safe, punish enemy if they are out of position, use your HP to kills wisely
Coalition 1,earn the fighter or top gun awardcomplete this mission in 3 out of 10 battles
same concept with union 3, but you need to kill minimum 4 enemies, EBR FL, BatChat series, Bourrasque, Skoda T56, VZ 55, TVP can steal some kills, but I found out this mission is very annoying so I ended up skipping it 😛
Coalition 2,deal 3k damageComplete this mission in 3 battles in a row
nothing to say, this one is pretty easy, did mine with VZ 55
Coalition 3,earn 5 rewards in battle heroes and or epic medalscomplete this mission in 10 battles
French LT (ELC, EBR) can get Spotter or Scout medal, high caliber with VZ55, confederate with TVP, reset until you get a decent results on the first game (2 medals)
Coalition 4, destroy or damage 25 internal modulesComplete this mission in 10 battles
same concept with union and alliance mission, but I think Coalition got a better tank to choose, auto loader with great mobility and deadeye perk, BatChat series, Progetto, TVP, Skoda T56, EBR FL, almost did mine with TVP, was 24/25, ended up skipping it. Again, reset until you get a decent results on the first game (7 Crits)
Coalition 5,block 30 enemy hitsComplete this mission in 10 battles
Use AMX M4 mle. 51, hands down the best tank for this mission
Coalition 6,score armor pen 75 timesComplete this mission in 10 Battles
Autoloader or fast firing tanks, did mine with TVP. Bourrasque, Batchat series, VZ, Progetto, EBR FL can also works
Coalition 7,destroy 2 enemy of 2 different typesComplete this mission in 3 battles in a row
did mine with TVP, same concept with coalition 1
Coalition 8,earn Patrol duty awardComplete this mission in 2 out of 12 battles
EBR series and ELC is a gem, reset until you get 1 on the first game
Coalition 9,cause damage to an average of 4 different enemy vehicles per battleComplete this mission in 10 battles
Again, Auto loader is your best friend, did mine with TVP (this vehicle can carry you through coalition campaign haha), reset until you get decent results on the first game (12 hits)
Coalition 10,enable allies to cause 1500 damage to enemy by your assist
EBR Series and ELC, did mine with EBR 105, I recommend tier X tanks
Coalition 11,be the top player in battle by tanks destroyedComplete this mission in 3 out of 9 battles
I'm getting tired of typing this, its the auto loader guys, mine was TVP :D, in battles mean including your enemy team and reset until you get it on the first battle
Coalition 12,Enable your allies to destroy 7 enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracksComplete this mission in 10 Battles
EBR series or ELC, reset until you get a decent results on the first game (3 kill assist)
Coalition 13,Cause 2 times more damage than the hit points of your vehicleComplete this mission in 3 out of 7 battles
Batchat series, tvp series, skoda, Progetto can easily did this, don't use hardening yea :D, reset until you get it on the first battle
Coalition 14, be the top player in battle by damage causedComplete this mission in 3 out of 5 battles
A very solid option is VZ-55, AMX 50B is also superb, but hard to play for newer player because of its armor, don't forget to reset if you didn't get it on the first try bois
Coalition 15, get mastery badge class 1 or higher Complete this mission3 timesout of 20 battles
choose any tank that you are comfortable with, see your stats, I did this using P44 Pantera (very underrated tanks, speed is perfect, gun handling is perfect, gun accuracy is perfect), reset until you get it on the first game
Orders left: 0
Now, Congrats on getting the Obj. 279 (e), be ready to get yoloed by muppets 😀
Who ever read this post from top to bottom, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, it took me 5 Hours to create this post 😀