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OP premium tanks- it’s the player’s fault!

Will the game survive if all free2player stop playing? Because that is the future as the gap between pay2win and free2play becomes wider and wider every update.

Eventually you reach breaking point where there is no point participating for free2players. Will the game survive then or will they switch to subscription mode?

I get so angry when I hear constantly how WG and pay2win players are supporting free2play.

Or that free2players are leeching off of pay2win players spending.

But the truth is free2players actually support the game. I have premium so I can say this with less bias. Without free2play the game would be very different and queue times would likely be over 10 minutes for a random battle!

It's kind of like saying "my boss was kind to give me job", while you earn $10 a hour and she makes 10m a year.

Except WG makes much more than that!

But still WG's paid 'CCs' say "we have to make tanks like BZ-176 and Skoda T-56 overpowered or people won't buy them". So now it's the pay2win player's fault that tanks are OP!

Poor WG so hard up for cash they are FORCED to sell OP tanks


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