New Play To Own – Early Access

It's easy to see why the gaming concept making noise in the crypto sphere like a storm. We all can agree that no matter what gaming concept it is if we can earn a good amount of money we will play.

I recently found out that the rewards are not limited to crypto or NFTs anymore. A new NFT gaming project called Aloki is working on some interesting stuff.

The team built a sanctuary in the Costa Rican jungle (around 700 acres), which the game will have a direct connection with it in real life. For example, for each minted NFT, they will plant a tree in the jungle. So the whole game concept will be related to the nature and jungle.

The game will be card based but more importantly explorational. Players will start to play in one part of the jungle and explore more and more lands. What I understand from the things I read is that it will include a lot of educational facts about the Costa Rican jungle, quests, minigames, and later on pvp too.

The most important feature that stands out for me is the Land NFTs in the game. By owning a "Land NFT" players will be able to make an upgrade and get a real land plot as a reward. Yep, a real land in the real world, not just in Metaverse! IMO, this is a huge deal and I've never heard of a similar concept before.

They are currently running a whitelist, so you can see their Twitter or join Discord if you are interested. To top that, you could even win a free trip to Costa Rica if you're lucky.

Has anyone heard about this? What do you think about the whole concept?


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