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Open topped TD’s, what’s your strategy on these maps?

I hate these maps, but tbh I hate most.

El Halluf – As an open topped, what are you supposed to do? On the ridgeline near your base, there's no bushes or cover, and even if you have good camo, the enemy is always in positions outside of the render range, unless you get one who decides to come too far down the slope. It seems you spend most of the game praying to hit that one EBR going BRRRRRRRR in circles in the dip in the middle.

Fjords – Sit in the bushes in the middle as the south spawn and hope you can land one hit on someone charging down the middle? As north spawn, sit in the bushes by the water tower and hope you can shoot a peeker in the valley before you get clapped by a light spotting you in the middle?

Minsk – Fuck knows

Tundra – Arguably the worst map for TD's. Nowhere to go, maybe a couple of bushes in the middle, where you can be spotted by the main hill, the valley, anyone on the bridge and anyone across from you.


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