Would you be in favor of implementation of some sort of player-based rating system?
Lets say, whereby, at all times in the battle (and only in battles) you could rate any player i.e. let's say give them +1 point for whatever reason you wanted or -1 point. Let's say it was particularly good gameplay, teamplay, sharing HP, shielding in time of need, good communication etc. You could then maybe give them the point and each player would have a certain amount of points or a rating value. Obviously, to stop malice or spite you limit in to 3 point per game like the current reporting system. 3 points, that is counting both positives and negatives. And you could only rate your own team unlike the reporting.
And obvious benefits would be, sort of player based ratings instead of wn8 ratings. It would allow you to see who players like playing with and reward for being a good, team player. Who'd be your best battle buddy let's call it. And it would be visible at the start if you wanted to see what kind of players your playing with. And only your team stats would be visible, not the opposition.
The idea came to me when I played a game on Erlenberg where a player changed his strat in a light tank and came to help out on one side of the map where I was alone and it helped us hold that flank. The rest of the team won the other flank and the game. Though, he switched flanks only after I asked him to because there were 2 lights on one side and I though it was pointless. I guess he agreed given he came to support me. And, I don't know if he would have done so otherwise. But great play non the less. And at the end of the game I instinctively sort of wanted to reward him somehow with a shoutout or something.
It would also help given that people like to do the same after the battles but with in-game messaging, be it to shout or abuse you or just say gg and well played. So that would be the purpose I guess.
So, what do you think? Good idea, bad idea or what?
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/rhwbzt/playerbased_rating_system/