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Playing onslaught is a total no-brainer. Best game mode ever.

Just ignore the rank progession, and it's amazing.

You can use it for BP points and you can use it to complete the daily missions.

On top of that, it's 50-70,000 credits for 4 or 5 minutes work. Even frontlines doesn't give you that.

Also, as an F2P it gives me the chance to play a lot of my Tier X's without having to worry about going -20,000 credits just for the privledge of playing top tier.

Best credit grinder by far imho. Like I say, there's a few bots and shitters, so just ignore rank progression and focus of fast battles and raking in the credits. Im surprised they left the credit yield so high tbh. Im just charging around in my TVP getting an easy 4k damage per game because everyone thinks the meta is to play slow boring heavies, whereas I find fast mediums are the way to go.

Arties and wheelies hardly ever feature and the small number of players makes flanking and relocating really easy.


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