Pumpkin Bash weirdness (poor QA and/or bad in-game descriptions?)

Hey all, has anyone else noticed that a lot of the descriptions for Pumpkin Bash consumables & Jack-O'-Lantern abilities don't quite work as advertised?

  1. 'Fire Shot' (and 'Flaming Jack') states "Sets an enemy vehicle on fire upon penetration", however this is not the case – even a non-pen HE shot will set a fire, though weirdly a non-pen Artillery HE shot will not. Worse though, an Artillery HE splash will indeed set a fire …
  2. 'Magic Shield' states "Protects against any damage (except drowning and impact) for 3 seconds", however it actually does protect against ramming damage (which I believe would fall under impact?).
  3. 'Detrimental Jack' states "Increases damage dealt by you by 100%", however in game it actually averages +200% damage (e.g. a 100 dmg gun will instead deal 300 dmg).
  4. 'Decaying Jack' states "Each hit destroys enemy suspension and gun upon penetration", however while it does indeed destroy their suspension, it only damages their gun.

Whilst these aren't exactly game-breaking, I am rather mystified as to why/how there is this discrepancy. Granted, this is only a special event and so likely has far less QA scrutiny, but still …

Oh, and yeah issue 1 means that it's rather OP getting 'Flaming Jack' on a quick reload tank – fires everywhere, don't even need to pen; just fire HE

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/yd1ggl/pumpkin_bash_weirdness_poor_qa_andor_bad_ingame/

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