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Question to mods

have anyone heard about someone using AVS mods? (sure not yourselve, we are all honest and fairt players)

Why am I asking, we had a debate in clan as some of our guys used mods in ClanWars. Sure we do not want to risk anything and they should not use it for clan wars (at least they promissed). But what made me a bit angry was that one of the guys explained the setup of the aimbot and he showed us that when he uses 100%, bot allways hits exactly where you aim. Ok, bad… but not new. What pissed me off, he got few times reported, but no ban or similar. Once a guy he know reported him and WG answered that they did not see any violation. Some say that AVS are somehow tied with WG. Did any of you heard about it?

It pisses me off, we fight clans where some of our players were playing before and we know they use mods in large scale. And the game looks like that, everything hits, they know our moves thru fallen objects, even if we are out of range, they hit us…. does this make sense to report to WG? Have any of you experienece with something like this?


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