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Ranked Season 3: Rewards and Bondshop

I am curious to discuss the Rewards for Season 3, as they compare to the Bond Shop.

Currently, with Ranked Season 3 soon coming, a large number of players will likely be entering the 10k-15k bond range. With that in mind I would propose a discussion on the relative value of the Bond as it pertains to reward tanks.

I am of the opinion that the Kpz50t will continue to be a better option for bond spending at a tier for tier basis when compared to the tier X tanks. But for discussion we must determine the relative value of the Ranked Placement Discounts.

At what value of discount does it become too expensive to spend the bonds on the Kpz50t?

Is the Skoda T45 worth any look? What level of discount should qualify the Skoda as worthwhile?

Compared to buying tanks, what is the position of the community on purchasing Bond Equipment? What about the notion of 200 bonds to move Bond Equipment?

For players who have the Bond tanks already: Which do you have, and will you buy another?
Was the value of the tank worth the bonds, or would you have instead bought equipment?

If you think this discussion is worthwhile, make sure to upvote it so it can be high up!

For references:

Wot News Release Ranked Season 3

121b stats on Bond shop value: 15,000 Bonds (No Discounts available)

M60 stats on Bond shop value: 15,000 Bonds (No Discounts available)

FV215B stats on Bond shop value: 12,000 Bonds (No Discounts available)

Kampfpanzer 50 t stats on Ranked Rewards Bond value: 20,000 Bonds (Ranked Seasonal Discounts up to 60% as well as flat Bond value discounts of 1,000 or 1,500)

Skoda T45 stats on Ranked Rewards Bond value: 12,500 Bonds (Ranked Seasonal Discounts up to 60% as well as flat Bond value discounts of 1,000 or 1,500)

Bond Shop Wargaming Page


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