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[RANT] I feel like I’m slowly having less and less fun with WG and World of Tanks.

Hey there everyone, this is going to be a bit long and whiny. If you have a problem with that, go back, please.

I've had a tough week in School (exams and a lot of studying) and finally wanted to play WoT, as I've done pretty much every day since December 2015, it hasn't gone good all weekend and that's why I'm salty and unhappy about the game right now. Normally I like the game, sure there are OP Premiums and tech tree tanks but it's manageable. However, I feel like WG isn't solving many of the problems players have wanted to be fixed for YEARS. One example: Wheeled vehicles. They've been pretty much unchanged since they were introduced (early 2019 I think).

Instead of actually making the game any better WG just puts resources into new Premium Vehicles and we buy their stuff. Of course, they are going to keep releasing more and more premiums if it's bought.

I think most of the people who are invested in this game feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with how WG thinks and acts. We have the power to make them do what we want if we stop buying WG's stuff when we're not happy.

However, I have to say that I've been guilty of buying Premiums when not actually "needing" them and not liking the way WG is handling the game. I think most people have. It's just that I'm pretty sure today was the last straw, I'm going to keep playing a couple of rounds a day, see if I enjoy myself, if so then I'll keep playing. If not, I'm going to stop. One thing I won't do for certain is buying Premium Tanks/Time and Gold for the foreseeable future (although I'm certain this will age like milk, shame on me).

I'm not saying that everyone should not spend any more money on World of Tanks anymore, I'm saying that we, as a community have the power to guide WG into a direction we want them to go, so if you're not happy with the game, stop spending. So if the community decides this is the way to go, that's fine. I guess I have to deal with it or play something else then, would be sad as I have many great memories of this game.

I wish every one of you only the best, thanks for reading through me letting off my steam, hope you have an amazing day.


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