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Reminder: Soviet 85mm on the SU-85, T-34-85, KV-13, and T-43 have a 300dmg HE round

Just a general PSA that the 144-pen Soviet 85mm guns has above average HE damage (300 dmg with a full pen) for its caliber. You can significantly increase your DPM against soft targets if you switch to HE and lets you take down soft targets much quicker if you can pen (e.g. you can take down an M44 in 1 shot with HE, vs 2-shots with AP). Though this is caveated that HE round only has 44mm pen, and can lose a lot of damage if you hit a thicker piece of armor, or hit the tracks even on a thinly armored tank, so use with caution:

Anyways, common tanks that I've found are reliably penned by 85mm HE:

  • Marder II
  • Pz Sfl IV C
  • Nashorn
  • Rhm B WT
  • Dicker Max sides
  • Grille
  • Hummel
  • Later German arty "turret" (they have thick hulls)
  • Most American arty, especially M44 (some of the others have large tracks from the sides)
  • T67 from the front or back (aim for the hull)
    Hellcat from the front or back (aim for the hull – the turret mantlet and back of the turret are thick)
  • SPI-C
  • HWK 12
  • Ikv 103
  • Ikv 65
  • Ikv 90
  • T71 DA
  • T71 CMCD
  • Strv S1 sides
  • Skorpion turret (avoid hitting gun)
  • SU-130PM turret
  • ELC AMX from the front or back
  • French wheelie bois from the front or back (even from the sides it's helpful as you can damage them with splash if you miss)

* T67, Hellcat, and ELC AMX from the sides (they have lots of track and not a lot of exposed hull, and the tracks absorb a lot of damage)
* French lights (tends to have lots of weird angles – you can occasionally full pen though)


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