I'm wondering if it's a good idea to make the tank for the marathon available as a rental tank.
The good thing is, if people actually know about the tank they are playing, they can be more sure about whether to get it or not. You may say that WG have the stats for the tanks out, but most of the time looking at the stats themselves is not enough, and they can give you different impressions than how it actually plays out. Once people know whether they actually want the tank, fewer people (hopefully) will complain about the tank being not what they want after spending 10 days playing hours of WoT. It also makes the people who were thinking about getting it more sure about getting it, which means, if for some reason they cannot finish the 10 stages, they are more likely to get out their credit cards and spend money (which is what WG wants).
Now the downside can be that there are a lot of new tanks suddenly in the match maker (we've all seen how that goes). One possible solution is to cap the number of battles available. For example, if you completed the first stage, then you get 3 battles in the tank, 4 for the second, and maybe 5 for the rest. They can also make playing the tank complete the missions faster or have some other kinds of rewards (like what they did with the Skoda 27 marathon?).
I personally don't think that it's likely that WG will actually implement something like this, but let me know what you guys think
Edit: I'm not suggesting this only for this time. I was thinking it for all marathons.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/f6fqn7/rentals_for_the_marathon_tanks/