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Revalorisé: what’s the point?

As you all know the latest marathon premium was the amazing 122 tm which I absolutely loved and performed amazing in.

So I saw the revalorisé also had 400 alpha and it was very cheap…and I bought it…

If we compare the two the 122 tm has the following


-10 more alpha

-33 more pen (and 50 more heat pen which is huge)

-better accuracy

-better aiming time and gun handling

-decent enough hull and side armor making it able to brawl and side srape

-insane turret armor (granted it has quite big weakspots) which pretty often bounces even tier 10 tank destroyers

-despite all the armor a LOT better mobility when improving terrain resistances (through skill or grousers)

-despite all of this A LOT more camo

  • A LOT lower profile, which also makes it harder to be spotted compared to the skyscraper rev


-100 m/s less shell velocity even tho it's still ridiculously good at 1360 m/s

-20m less view range which is the only big downside it has

•2° less of gun depression which is kinda significant but 8° is still very good (plus turret armor makes ridgelines payable)

-500 less dpm, even tho with all the shots the rev lands on the ground they don't differ that much lol

Also since the tank doesn't need to hide when firing you can shoot as soon as you realod, making the difference even smaller.

Maybe I'm missing something but to me the rev seems like a weaker 122tm in basically everything, so what's the point of it?

Don't you think it needs some love?

(Btw this post is not made to cry about my disappointing purchase, but to receive advices, opinions and constructive comments, please no toxcitiy)


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