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Same tanks on tier 8 – more diversity, a proposal.

On tier 8 we see mainly the same tanks over and over again. A few tech tree tanks but mostly premiums. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact that's how it should be.

A tier 8 tech tree tank is a temporary vehicle (of course you can choose to keep it but you know what I mean) while a premium is a permanent vehicle. Usually you wouldn't expect someone to have more than 200-250 battles on a tech tree tank on tier 8 if even that much. Premiums should get used as much as possible to earn credits. And it's only natural that people will use the best premiums available to them to earn credits because to be honest, credit farming can be quite a chore so how could we get more diversity?

Simple, a new modifier is added to credit income of each premium tank based on how frequently it is used. The base value would stay the same but let's say the panther 8.8 is the least used premium tank on tier 8 so it gets a credit income boost of additional 50 %. The modifier would range from 0 – 50 percent (or any other, make suggestions).

This would make it so that using bad premiums is a viable option to farm credits, sure you might not perform as well with a Räumpanzer but hey, you get 30 % extra credits. I would love such a system because it would mean that a lot of tanks which are bad suddenly have a reason to be played again.

If you have anything to say to this please do so. Do you see issues with this? Is this idea total bullshit?

Edit: also this should be something wargaming should want because this would encourage people to have a diversified portfolio of premium tanks.


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