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ST-II gun mechanics idea

So, after playing the new ST-II tank for a dozen or so games on the test server, I've come to the opinion that it's really nothing special. From a number of reddit, youtube, and forum posts, most people seem to have the same opinion. To me, the dual-guns just don't feel super interesting. The intra-clip is insanely long, so it's tough to play like an auto-reloader; and the charge time to fire a double-shot feels super cumbersome to use. I fully understand that WG doesn't want people just charging up a 880 alpha shot, and waiting around a corner; but not getting to pick when exactly your gun fires is a huge pain.

My thought as to how to make the double barreled tanks more special, is to give them full control over when to fire each gun. Essentially, give them an auto-reloader, with 0 seconds intra-clip. The advantage would be not having to charge your guns for a double-shot, and getting shorter intra-clip time if you don't want to fire both at once. It wouldn't just be a straight buff, though; because it would come with a nerf to dispersion after firing, probably so it takes ~4 seconds to be fully aimed again. That way, you can fire a double-shot for 880 alpha at point blank, but trying the same thing at 250m would almost guarantee your second shot is a miss. If you want 2 fully aimed shots at a target, you have to wait a decent amount of time for the gun to re-aim, similar to the super long intra-clip already in place.

IMO, I think this system would work a lot better. You get rid of the awkward gun charging system without allowing 880 alpha double-shots all the time. You don't have to use a second button to charge the guns, or have to deal with delay when you fire a single barrel. I believe it's even more realistic, as I can't see why you'd have to wait 5s after firing one barrel to fire the second.


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