Suggestion for making Artillery less hated

Now forget about the title, I don't think people will ever appreciate someone go into Orbiter mode without even moving their tank once since the start of the match and nuke others.

I feel like Artillery should be made as a supportive role much more than damaging role.
For instance nerfing it's alpha and giving them incendiary and smoke shells will aid this.

Smoke shells will block a certain radius for a certain duration which allows players to reposition with reduced risk to approach somewhere in the map, ironically this hurts campers.

Now this will also make battles in WoT even more dynamic depending on the skill of the Artillery player to asses the best location to place a smoke shell by deducing the circumstances, allowing large rotations of players depending on how much enemy coverage the smoke shell has.

With the incendiary shell probably most of you probably know what's gonna happen, crew performance.
Now incendiary shells will also deal damage but lesser and have higher chance to set the engine in fire and deal module damage.

But the main point is to slowly increase the fire spread from initial radius for a certain duration and all the vehicles within the fire will slowly or instantly recieve a crew performance debuff, the percentage can be discussed.
Simply has to he enough to give Artillery a meaningful and reasonable supportive role besides just throwing smoke.

It's merely the offensive option of smoke shell.

Tanks with tires may suffer damage on their mobility perhaps, tanks with open tops may suffer even worse temporary or permanent crew damage, vegetation will perish removing certain cover depending on the fire spreading mechanic.
Which will again add to the dynamic of the match by modifying the map

I feel like Artillery has alot of untapped potential here to make the game more engaging than just being an RNG lottery deciding whose game to ruin per minute.


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