T-44-100 frustration

I need to vent a bit. To preface I am a bit of a whale and own like 20 tier 8+ prems. I have a job and little time to grind, don't judge.

I was again tempted to buy the T-44-100 as I love the tech tree tank. Outside of the outrageous price the only thing that helps me control my impulses is that I can play the exact same tank for free.

Right? Wrong.

As always when this tank goes on sale I am reminded that for some unexplained reason it gets better gun dispersion and mobility than the tech tree version. As well as better camo, HP and side skirts (6mm spaced armour probably means nothing though).
This might be the most egregious example of premium vs free tank there is.
At least the Centurion 5/1 sacrifices some ground resistances and HP for the better hull armor
This is just straight up better behind a huge pay wall.
I guess I won't buy it because I'm just angry it exists in this shape. Any other examples you can think of?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/ydvza1/t44100_frustration/

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