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TD’s unexpectedly taught me a lot

About me: NA Newish player. 3200 battles, 1380 wn8 . Im no unicum but think i do ok for as new as I am.

I have been playing for about a year now and never really played TD's much. Always thought they were boring so I never gave them much time in the sun. Recently I decided to really start going down the TD lines and I have to say it has taught me A LOT. Like more than playing mediums and lights even.. possibly. Could be recency bias though. Both my WN8 and PR have shot up pretty significantly since concentrating on TD's

For example

  1. Patience: Playing TD's really makes you patient (at least playing the paper ones). Often times in Mediums and even lights sometimes you push too much and overextend. Playing a TD really makes you wait for the battle to unfold before flexing. Many battles I have been 3/4 with no damage and then finish with 3000+.
  2. People love throwing their tanks away (especially heavies). I am quite amazed how often Heavies push right up to the engagement zone with 2 or 3 big dick alpha TD's set up behind them and will sit there and take hit after hit instead of baiting the enemy and saving their HP. They could be soaking up that glorious assisted damage and saving their HP for end game. I know I will be more aware of TD's behind me going forward.
  3. Map awareness: Sure its needed for every class but I find that being able to sit back and watch engagements unfold (many in the same way) it really gives you a good grasp on the maps and where you need to be.
  4. I still hate arty as much as I did before (unrelated but couldn't resist)

Anyways, I just thought I would share for other new players. I still think mediums are the best to start with though. But its been a fun experience. I am almost to a Grille 15 and just had a 5k game and it felt pretty good. Thinking about going up the STRV line. I bought the S1 and hated it at first but now I love it.


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