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The biggest noob question

Hello, i am a beginner of world of tank, i have around 30 hours of total played and so far i love the game. I am really enjoying playing TD and here's my question.

Some people told me to check a website where there is a streamer that obviously does put a sort of "tier list" of the best tanks and you can choose the role as example LT, SPG, TD ETC.

I would like to keep playing TD (sniper) because i am having a lot of fun with it but for every tier the "best" tank is sometime in a different tech tree. Such as example USA – Swedish etc.

My question is: If as example the best TD on tier 6 is the SU-100 which is from U.S.S.R but on tier 7 the next one would be the one of the swedish tree (is purely an example), Is it worth to level all the tech tree together up or should i focus only on the Tech tree of the best TIER X TD which in this case apparently would be the STRV 103B (swedish).

Edited: What tech tree would you suggest for heavy tanks instead?

Thank you very much


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