The Char Futur is in a weird place….

So i know the tank isnt even out yet, but weve seen gameplay an the tank is also in the game, which means you can compare to other tanks.

Something i just found out today is the the Char Futur reloading is weird, just take a look.

(without any crew skills an 100% crew)

AMX 50 B (H) T10

Alpha: 400

Magazine reload: 29.16s
Shell reload: 2.5s
Quantity: 4

Char Futur 4 (M) T9

Alpha: 390

Magazine reload: 39.16s
Shell reload: 4s
Quantity: 4

Foch 155 (TD) T10

Alpha: 750

Magzine reload: 47.94s
Shell reload: 5
Quantity: 3

If you aren't seeing what im seeing, basically the Char Futur's reload is closer to that of a TD which does double the damage, yet the AMX 50 B has 10 more alpha but a 10s faster reload an a 1.5s faster shell reload, if im just missing something an i don't understand balance please tell me because im not understanding this.


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