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The Object 279(e) is… not what I expected

A few months ago I decided to actually try doing the last missions for the 279(e) and it took some nerves of steel but I got it. I've got it fully maxed out field mod wise, 6 skill crew, experimental + purple equipment.

The armor

It's a very strong tank, don't get me wrong, but the gameplay is annoying because you need to find spots where you lift up your hull to be effective against tier 10s.

Against tier 9s and 8s is where it shines but be advised, the BZ-176 can pen your side with ease (had some try to boost their way to my side, luckily I saw through it and tracked the boosted guy).

If any tank is slightly above you, you are butter. Enemy TDs cut through you like butter.

Be advised, it's not your typical stalinium steel ruski tank, it's got stalinium magnets. You are a yolo magnet. People will just rush the shit out of you just to kill the 279e.

The mobility

It's alright but not near Obj. 260 levels. I'm not running a turbo on it though (am doing so on 260, but that tank is my go-to meme tank).

Lost its novelty status

It's been out for a long time, most people know how to deal with it, but even if they don't, now they have the effective pen indicator so they will just hover your tank until the reticle is green and pen.


Might have been worth it years ago, nowadays it's just a very strong tank, no longer the fear factor it once used to have against the enemies. IMO it's not worth the grind. I might be biased since I haven't had the best of matchups in it so far (~50 battles). It is very map dependent also. If you get Malinovka south spawn and the enemy gets a Chieftain you are pretty much fucked.


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