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The Under the Hammer Event is Fantastic

So hear me out, in a Quickybaby video he was giving WG a bit of crap for using this auction to sell tanks which are a clone of another tank (statistics wise) but with a cool camo as these tanks are going for what most would consider outrageous sums of gold.

Yes he is correct they are nothing special tank wise however that's what makes this super good for the game, we all know WG loves to sell premium tanks to make money and to sell them they all end up having mostly broken stats and this forum ends up with the "XYZ tank is op wtf" post. So by selling the new selling tanks with different skins they can make money, but it has no negative impact on the game, the tank you get is the same as the one in the tech tree meaning its stats dont hurt the MM or make it broken. With this in mind id love to see WG make this a more regular thing and expand the amount of tanks that they do this with.

tl;dr reskinning tanks and selling is great because it makes WG money and dosnt release an op tank.

Feel free to discuss or let me know if I miss something on this.


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