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Thought experiment/discussion: Should all tanks be balanced so that they have a 49.5% or 50% win rate?

Been thinking about this. The average player win rate is about 49.5% (~1% draws takes up the other one percent). Forgetting the differences in stats based on servers (they are close but not exact), should all tanks have the generally same win rates?

Look at some of the websites and we can see that some tanks have horrendous win rates (45%-48% off the top of my head). Presumably because they haven't been tweaked by WG to buff them. Conversely we can see that some tanks have win rates that are (theoretically) too high (maybe > 51% up to ~53%).

There are literally 100s of statistics for each tank, from the buzzillions of details of armor thicknesses and angles to rates of fire to terrain resistances and on and on. These can all be tweaked, and on occasion through the years WG has and does. So the question is:

Should they? Should WG tweak all tanks (at least tech tree tanks; we can discuss premium and reward tanks separately if that makes this discussion easier) so that they "revert to the mean" of around 50% (or maybe 49.5%, to take into account the draws)?

Curious what the community's takes on this are.

Note that aside from Tanks, Ships, and Planes, I've never played any other MMOs, so I don't know how other games are developed and/or modified in this way. In other games are there or should there be specific things (the player/character, vehicles, weapons, armor, whatever) that is specifically OP or UP (under-powered)? I don't know, which is why I'm also bringing up this point.


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