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Thoughts on T95E6

I'm so curious with this tank. There is very limited info out there on this tank. Almost all content about it is from other versions of WoT or just breifly talking how it got buffed years ago with the M60 and 907 etc. I watched the one DezGamez video but other then that this tank is the forgotten CW reward tank. How do you feel about it if you have owned or played it?

I love my M48 and M60, 2 of my favorite tanks honestly, and I should be lucky enough to get a tank from metal wars. I'm most likely going to grab a 907 but this tank is so interesting to me but I never see it at all. It's never talked about, rarely played and almost no content by WG CC's.

So what gives? On paper the DPM and turret look amazing, sure there is a tumor but most american tanks have one. Love some discussion around this. Hopefully Skill said he is going to do videos on the CW rewards tanks soon™ so hopefully we get some other content on it.

TLDR- Thoughts on this tank worth it, not worth it, general discussion


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